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Wild Dreams

In 2005, Glyndebourne Youth Opera Group presented their Greenhouse project in a greenhouse in the town of Bunnik, just outside Utrecht. For the Yo! Opera Festival 2007, they put together a new performance for a special location. They were guests of the Delta College, now called Globe College, at the Europalaan in the Kanaleneiland district, Utrecht.

With Wild Dreams, this company of young people took a vocal walk through the area around the school. During the walk, at different locations, the air was filled with voices, performing works ranging from Verdi’s 'Chorus of Scottish Exiles' from Macbeth to Albanian folk songs. After the walk, the pupils of the Delta College, together with the English singers, were hosts to the public at their school building, providing snacks and drinks.

The pupils of the Globe College did more than merely act as hosts and hostesses. They constructed the sets, and sing in one of the choral pieces. They also presented an exhibition to accompany the performance: an exhibition of portraits of refugees, created by the pupils themselves.

Foto: Victoria Rance // Wild Dreams // Yo! Opera 2007

This project was one of the first steps in a longstanding creative partnership between Globe College and Yo! Opera. Want to find out more about the results of this partnership? Please click here.

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