Home > Festival > Veldwerk


Susies Haarlok

And who are you?
What did you do today?
Do you know your neighbours?
Was everything better in the early days?
The people. Henk and Ingrid. But also Arthur, Harald, Roel, Tjalling en Wessel - the musicians of Susies Haarlok. For Veldwerk ('Fieldwork') they interviewed people from the neighbourhood of the site they perform. The lyrics are derived from these conversations and -thus- vary eacht performance. Susies Haarlok wants to know: who are 'the' people? What do they do? How do they feel about each other? Veldwerk is a growing series of musical portraits of neighbours. Concert, performance and documentary in one.

Language: Dutch
Length: 15 minutes
Concept/Composition/Direction: Susies Haarlok
Director: Leen Braspenning
coaching: Lotte van den Berg (OMSK)
Harald Austbø: cello
Tjalling Schrik: drums
Wessel Schrik: bas, zang
Arthur Wagenaar: toetsen
Roel van Doorn: video
Producer: Ylona Supèr realisatie

A co-production of Susies Haarlok & OMSK & Festival a/d Werf, in collaboration with Urban Explorers / Kunstmin / BIES / Yo! Opera. Funded by FPK, SNS REAALfonds and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds

For the French translation click here

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